[Tex/LaTex] Theorem style with name as argument


Is there some way to get a theorem type which will make a theorem with the name passed as a parameter? In other words, is there a way to define "named" such that


will print

"NAME: text"?

I tried using the definition \newtheorem*{named}{}, but that results in

"(NAME): text", which is quite different from what I am trying to do.

I know that I could also create a new instance of \newtheorem for each named theorem I want to use, but that is clunky and inconvenient. Is there a better way?

Best Answer

Here's one possible solution using thmtools as a front-end for amsthm:


spaceabove=\topsep, spacebelow=\topsep,
notefont=\bfseries, notebraces={}{},





enter image description here

And without using thmtools, you can say something like:



\newtheorem*{named}{NAME}% here the second argument is the default name





enter image description here

With the second approach, you can set the default name for the structure in the second argument of \newtheorem*.