[Tex/LaTex] The page number is missing from the bottom of the page within the manuscript


I am writing my PhD dissertation and I noticed that the last page of the manuscript, right before the bibliography, is missing the page number. All the other pages are numbered correctly, just this one is not.
How can I correct this mistake?enter image description here

\tableofcontents                % Table of contents
\listoftables                   % List of Tables
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\chapter{Chapter 2}
\chapter{Chapter 3}
\backmatter  %% <--- mandatory

\interlinepenalty=10000  % prevent split bibliography entries

Best Answer

The example is not complete, \begin{document} is missing, ...

There is \thispagestyle{empty}. If it is executed the page before the bibliography, it would explain the empty page number. Adding \clearpage or \cleardoublepage before the bibliography and \thispagestyle{empty} should help.

It is a speculation, because \backmatter of class book loaded by umthesis already starts a new page. Thus it seems, the bibliography does not start the back matter part.