[Tex/LaTex] Tabularx can’t center some column


I'm trying to create a timetable using tabularx environment, but i can't find a way to center all columns.

Using this code:

\documentclass[11pt,oneside, landscape]{article} 







\newcommand{\tit}[1]{\fontsize{15}{17}\color{darkgray}\usefont{T1}{pplj}{b}{it}\selectfont #1}



\begin{tabularx}{19cm}{r >{\centering}X >{\centering}X >{\centering}X >{\centering}X X}
                   & \tit{Lun} &  \tit{Mar} &  \tit{Mer} & \tit{Gio} & \tit{Ven} \\
\color{gray}9-11  $||$ &  & Laboratorio III &  &  Metodi mat. per la fisica & Laboratorio III \\ \midrule
\color{gray}11-13  $||$& Meccanica Quantistica & Metodi mat. per la fisica &  & Meccanica Quantistica & Fisica dell'informazione \\ \midrule
\color{gray}15-17  $||$ &  & Fisica dell'informazione & Laboratorio III &  & \\




i get this

enter image description here

where last column is not centered. If i try to change

\begin{tabularx}{19cm}{r >{\centering}X >{\centering}X >{\centering}X >{\centering}X X}


\begin{tabularx}{19cm}{r >{\centering}X >{\centering}X >{\centering}X >{\centering}X {\centering}X}

i get

! Misplaced \noalign.
\toprule ->\noalign 
                    {\ifnum 0=`}\fi \@aboverulesep =\abovetopsep \global        \@b...
l.39 \end{tabularx}

Best Answer

Both the package arrayand the the package tabularxredefine \\ in a slightly different way. I refer to tabularx-can’t-center-some-column for a more in depth explanation.

When defining the last column, you have to put in an \arraybackslash after the \centering-command, i.e.:


Your table preamble will be:

\begin{tabularx}{19cm}{r >{\centering}X >{\centering}X%
>{\centering}X >{\centering}X >{\centering\arraybackslash}X}

Or you can use tabu:

\documentclass[11pt,oneside, landscape]{article} 

\newcommand{\tit}[1]{\fontsize{15}{17}\color{darkgray}\usefont{T1}{pplj}{b}{it}\selectfont #1}


\begin{tabu}to 19cm{r X[c] X[c] X[c] X[c] X[c]}
\rowfont{\tit} & Lun &  Mar &  Mer & Gio & Ven \strut\\
\color{gray}9-11  $||$ &  & Laboratorio III &  &  Metodi mat. per la fisica & Laboratorio III \\ \midrule
\color{gray}11-13  $||$& Meccanica Quantistica & Metodi mat. per la fisica &  & Meccanica Quantistica & Fisica dell'informazione \\\midrule
\color{gray}15-17  $||$ &  & Fisica dell'informazione & Laboratorio III &  & \\

MWE with tabu:

enter image description here

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