[Tex/LaTex] tabular inside tikz matrix


The matrix is not being layed out correctly. It should be a 2×3 matrix. What's wrong with the code?






\newcommand{\agente}[3] {  % \belongs
\node[draw,inner sep=0] {
    #1 & #2 \\
    #3 & \\
}; \\

\matrix[ampersand replacement=\&]{
    \semagente \& \agente{\cellcolor{green} 5}{\cellcolor{orange} 2}{\cellcolor{red} 1} \& \semagente \\
    \semagente \& \agente{\cellcolor{green} 5}{\cellcolor{orange} 2}{\cellcolor{red} 1} \& \semagente \\



ps: if you know a better way to have a 2×2 matrix inside a big matrix like this, let me know too 😛

Best Answer

Remove the extra \\ after the node closing semicolon and it works


\newcommand{\agente}[3] {%
\node[draw,inner sep=0] {\tabcolsep=0cm%
    #1 & #2 \\
    #3 & \\
\matrix[ampersand replacement=\&]{
    \semagente \& \agente{\cellcolor{green} 5}{\cellcolor{orange} 2}{\cellcolor{red} 1} \& \semagente \\
    \semagente \& \agente{\cellcolor{green} 5}{\cellcolor{orange} 2}{\cellcolor{red} 1} \& \semagente \\

enter image description here