[Tex/LaTex] Tabular and itemize


I'm having a big problem…I am trying to make a nice table which in the left side has just text and in the right part it may contain some itemized elements. This is how i'm doing it:

\begin{tabular}{r| p{5cm}}
  {\bf Text} &
  Data \\ \hline
  {\bf Itemization} &
  \\ \hline

But like this the \hline will be 5cm long. Is there a way of making it as long as the top bar (the one who comes from \documentclass{report})?

Best Answer

Please always provide complete documents showing packages used (the report class doesn't use a ruled headline by default for example). Also \bf shouldn't be used unless you are aiming fro LaTeX2.09 compatibility.

You just need to make the table full width using tabular* for example:

enter image description here




xx x x x x


\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r| p{5cm}@{}}
  \textbf{Text} &
  Data \\ \hline
  \textbf{Itemization} &
    \item item1
    \item item2
    \mbox{}\\ \hline
