[Tex/LaTex] Table too wide, first column too big


I have the following table:

   \documentclass[a4paper,  % Seitenformat

Test& test &test&test tes t&test test &test test &tes tes t&test test \\
test& -0,0000615 & 0,0145 &  0,02783&&\\
&(0.000895) &(0.000633) &&& \\
test& -0,0004447 & 0,0152  & 0,0294&&\\
 &(0.00094)&(0.000664) & &&\\
test&-0,000107 & 0,0234  &  0.04584&&\\
&(0.001445) &(0.00102)&&&\\
test& -0.00075 & 0,01285 &  0.0244&&\\
&(0.000792) &(0.00056)&&&\\
\begin{footnotesize}std. errors in parentheses\end{footnotesize}
\caption{VaR$_{0,975}$ values using formula \ref{variancenormal}}


Which gives the following picture

enter image description here

  1. The first column is clearly too big, why? How can I change this?
  2. How can I make the table to fit in? So it is too wide now, it is in the right margin, what I don't want, so how can I make the table fit?

Best Answer

You want that the last row spans all the columns, so

\multicolumn{8}{l}{\footnotesize Standard errors in parentheses}

will fix the issue.

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