[Tex/LaTex] Table of Contents with Chapter

chapterstable of contents

I'm attempting to modify the Table of Contents in my document. Currently, chapter one in my document is listed as

1   Introduction

What I would like to see is

Chapter 1   Introduction

Seems like an easy enough thing to ask for, but can't seem to find a good way to do this. Any feedback would be most appreciative.

Best Answer

The titletoc package provides ToC entry manipulation for a \chapter via \titlecontents*{chapter}:

enter image description here

\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{titletoc}% http://ctan.org/pkg/titletoc
\titlecontents*{chapter}% <section-type>
  [0pt]% <left>
  {}% <above-code>
  {\bfseries\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel\quad}% <numbered-entry-format>
  {}% <numberless-entry-format>
  {\bfseries\hfill\contentspage}% <filler-page-format>

\chapter{Introduction} \lipsum[1]
\section{First section} \lipsum[2-3]
\section{Second section} \lipsum[4-5]
\section{Last section} \lipsum[6-7]
\chapter{Second chapter} \lipsum[1]
\section{First section} \lipsum[2-3]
\section{Second section} \lipsum[4-5]
\section{Last section} \lipsum[6-7]
\chapter{Last chapter} \lipsum[1]
\section{First section} \lipsum[2-3]
\section{Second section} \lipsum[4-5]
\section{Last section} \lipsum[6-7]

For adding space between ToC chapter entries, you could use \addvspace{1em} (where 1em is the regular book documentclass chapter skip) for <above-code>:

\usepackage{titletoc}% http://ctan.org/pkg/titletoc
\titlecontents*{chapter}% <section-type>
  [0pt]% <left>
  {\addvspace{1em}}% <above-code>
  {\bfseries\chaptername\ \thecontentslabel\quad}% <numbered-entry-format>
  {}% <numberless-entry-format>
  {\bfseries\hfill\contentspage}% <filler-page-format>

enter image description here

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