[Tex/LaTex] Table of Contents in Elsevier Class with two columns

elsarticletable of contentstwo-column

How can I show a table of contents in one column and below of abstract in Elsevier Class, considering twocolumn and preprint as selected options? My minimal example is below.




\title{Article of Test}  
\author{John Smith}  

\journal{Science Now}



Key\sep Key\sep Key.  




\subsection{First subsection}  

\subsection{Second subsection}  

\section{Second section}  


Best Answer

You should patch the \maketitle macro to insert \tableofcontents at the appropriate location:

enter image description here



\patchcmd{\maketitle}% <cmd>
  {\finalMaketitle}% <search>
  {\finalMaketitle\tableofcontents\vspace{\baselineskip}}% <replace>
  {}{}% <success><failure>


\title{Article of Test}
\author{John Smith}

\journal{Science Now}



Key\sep Key\sep Key.



\subsection{First subsection}

\subsection{Second subsection}

\section{Second section}


A minor vertical correction is inserted after \tableofcontents to separate the ToC from the main body.

The above patch can be simplified by using only

\let\oldfinalMaketitle\finalMaketitle% Store \finalMaketitle
\renewcommand{\finalMaketitle}{% Update \finalMaketitle to...
  \oldfinalMaketitle% ...call original \finalMaketitle and...
  \tableofcontents\vspace{\baselineskip}}% ...add ToC.