[Tex/LaTex] Switch statement in LaTeX using package pseudocode


I am using \usepackage{pseudocode} in LaTeX for writing pseudocode.

How to write switch statement using this package?

I write more 90% pseudocode using the package pseudocode. In function Validate i want to write switch Statement.

l1 \GETS 0 \\
l2 \GETS 0 \\
validate \GETS true \\
\IF board[location1] \neq 0 \THEN
    l1 \GETS board[location1]
    l2 \GETS board[location2]
    \IF l1 + l2 is odd and l2 \neq 0 \THEN
        validate \GETS false
            %\SWITCH  here i want to write switch statement


 \RETURN {validate}\\

I can find add switch statement in pseudocode using other packages like algorithmicx and algorithm. There is any way to add switch statement using pseudocode package ?

Best Answer

I'm really not sure whether this is what you're after, but it's a first go:

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath,pseudocode}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{amsmath,pseudocode}
\newcommand{\SWITCH}{\mbox{\bfseries switch }}
\renewcommand{\CASE}{\mbox{ \bfseries case }}
\newcommand{\CASEELSE}{\mbox{ \bfseries else }}
\begin{pseudocode}{Validate}{\algvar{location1}, \algvar{location2}}
    \PROCEDURE{Validate}{\algvar{location1}, \algvar{location2}}
    l_1 \GETS 0 \\
    l_2 \GETS 0 \\
    \algvar{validate} \GETS \TRUE \\
    \IF \algvar{board}[\algvar{location1}] \neq 0 \THEN
        l_1 \GETS \algvar{board}[\algvar{location1}] \\
        l_2 \GETS \algvar{board}[\algvar{location2}] \\
        \IF (l_1 + l_2 \text{ is odd}) \AND (l_2 \neq 0) \THEN
            \algvar{validate} \GETS \FALSE
                \SWITCH i
                        \CASE 1 \text{ Something 1} \\
                        \CASE 2 \text{ Something 2} \\
                        \CASE 3 \text{ Something 3} \\
                        \CASE 4 \text{ Something 4} \\
                        \CASEELSE \text{ Something else}
        \END \\
        \RETURN {\algvar{validate}} \\

The constructions used by pseudocode is based on arrays, so it's easily modifiable. However, it depends on what you're after in terms of the look of a \SWITCH command, in terms of placement, alignment and justification.

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