[Tex/LaTex] Subfig package: Undefined control sequence \includegraphics


I want to use subfig to put multiple pictures under one caption. However, the error mentioned in the title occurs.


\newcommand{\sH}{{\sf H}}
\newcommand{\isdef}{\stackrel{\rm def}{=}}




\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Peter Pan}
\IEEEauthorblockA{Peter Pan Holding\\
who knows\\
Email: pp@pan.com}




    \subfloat[First sub-figure\label{subfig-1:dummy}]{%
    \subfloat[First sub-figure\label{subfig-2:dummy}]{%
    \caption{Dummy figure}




Best Answer

Add \usepackage{graphicx} to your preamble. You also have a stray } after your \end{figure}. Fix those two things and you'll be on your way!