[Tex/LaTex] Subequation number not shown (empheq+amsart)


This is a Follow-up question to Number equations within array

In the original post I was asking about the basics of subnumbering equations and I got
satisfactory answers so I could implement the examples in my work (those examples
in the answers run properly).

But I continue to have a problem with the use of empheq package: I don't know why the
references to the equations are well created in the pdf but the correspondent numbers
do not appear near the equations. How Can I solve this problem? I Isolate the problem
and show it on the Minimal Working Example (MWE) and at the output attached.

\usepackage{empheq} % autoload amsmath
\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}} % derivada parcial

\section{Some Stuff}
%\subsection{Sub-Some Stuff} 

Example working with simple numbering (\ref{A} - OK):
\pderiv{x}{l} = (\sin\theta\cos\phi) \pderiv{r}{l}
              +(r\cos\theta\cos\phi) \pderiv{\theta}{l}       
              +(-r\sin\theta\sin\phi) \pderiv{\phi}{l} \\
\pderiv{y}{l} = (\sin\theta\sin\phi) \pderiv{r}{q}   
              +(r\cos\theta\sin\phi) \pderiv{\theta}{q}       
              +(r\sin\theta\cos\phi) \pderiv{\phi}{q} \\
\pderiv{z}{l} = (\cos\theta) \pderiv{r}{\xi}
              +(-r\sin\theta) \pderiv{\theta}{\xi}
          +(0) \pderiv{\phi}{\xi} \\
 \mbox{(\textbf{some text})} .

Below, some example using empheq package NOT WORKING WELL. 

\begin{empheq}[left={ }\empheqlbrace]{align}
    \pderiv{\phi}{l}    &= 0  \label{B1}  \\
    \pderiv{\phi}{q}    &= 0  \label{B2}  \\
    \pderiv{\phi}{\xi}  &= 1  \label{B3} 
(\textbf{references ARE OK}, \ref{B}, \ref{B1}, \ref{B2}, \ref{B3}, but numbers correspondent to each equation do not show at the right). 

enter image description here

That same example worked with subnumcases package (the references were OK and the numbers were there).

And below yet a example with the same problem for empheq (\textbf{references ARE OK},
\ref{C}, \ref{C1}, \ref{C2}, \ref{C3}, but numbers correspondent to each equation do not
show at the right) and in which I was not able to convert even with subnumcases package
because of the splitting in multiple lines (some must be without number).

\begin{empheq}[left={ }\empheqlbrace]{align}
    &= \sin\theta\cos\phi\left( \frac{R_E\sin^4\theta}{1+3\cos^2\theta} \right)
     + r\cos\theta\cos\phi \nonumber \\ 
    &\left( \frac{-2R_E\sin^3\theta\cos\theta}{r(1+3\cos^2\theta)} \right)
     -\frac{2R_E\sin^3\theta\cos^2\theta\cos\phi}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)} - \nonumber \\ 
    & = \frac{R_E\sin^3\theta\cos\phi}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)}
     - \frac{2R_E\sin^3\theta\cos^2\theta\cos\phi}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)} \nonumber \\
    &= \frac{R_E\sin^3\theta\cos\phi(1-3\cos^2\theta)}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)} \label{C1} \\
     \pderiv{y}{q} &= \frac{R_E\sin^5\theta\sin\phi}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)}
     -\frac{2R_E\sin^3\theta\cos^2\theta\sin\phi}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)} \nonumber \\ 
    &= \frac{R_E\sin^3\theta\sin\phi(1-3\cos^2\theta)}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)} \label{C2} \\
     \pderiv{z}{q} &= \frac{R_E\sin^4\theta\cos\theta}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)}
     = \frac{3R_E\sin^4\theta\cos\theta}{(1+3\cos^2\theta)}  \label{C3} 

Best Answer

The problem is that amsart loads amsmath in a way that it is not compatible with empheq, at least with respect to the reqno option. You can work round this by loading the package first, before the document class:

Sample output



\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}


\section{Some Stuff}

  \begin{empheq}[left={ }\empheqlbrace]{align}
    \pderiv{\phi}{l}    &= 0  \label{B1}  \\
    \pderiv{\phi}{q} &= 0 \label{B2}
