[Tex/LaTex] Stylizing sub-figure caption in beamer


When I use




\subfigure[Subfig 1]{
\subfigure[Subfig 2]{



, it gives

. Note that the font color of the figure caption and sub-figure captions are differnt. Now, how can I stylize (i.e., change color, change size, make bold, use roman numerals etc.) the sub-figure captions? I noticed that something like \usepackage[font=normalfont, labelfont={red,bf}]{caption} does not work with beamer.

Best Answer

Brute force solution: redefine \thesubfigure to use the colour you want:



\renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{\protect\usebeamercolor[fg]{caption name}\relax(\arabic{subfigure})}


            \subfigure[Subfig 1]{
            \subfigure[Subfig 2]{



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