[Tex/LaTex] Strange Cross Symbol in LaTeX


I can't draw a particular cross symbol in LaTeX. I tried drawing it in Dextify, but that didn't recognize the symbol. I don't even know what it is called. Any help with the name or the code is appreciated. An image is below. enter image description here

Best Answer

Based on the accepted answer at Is there a religious symbols font collection?, a XeLaTeX solution that grabs unicode character 2626 from a font that has the symbol.

\setmainfont{Segoe UI Symbol}

enter image description here

egreg suggests FreeSerif font as a preferred alternative to Segoe UI Symbol, because of its distribution with TeX Live, and its general availability at http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/freefont/, in the form of freefont-otf-20100919.zip. With FreeSerif, the result looks like this:

enter image description here

Otherwise, like Herbert's answer, it can be constructed, in this case, with stacks, where I create the macro \byz (EDITED to add kerning). The rule thickness is controlled by \rlwd. If reset from 0.4pt to 0.7pt, the symbol becomes more bold:


enter image description here