[Tex/LaTex] Splitting verbatim inside figure across pages


I want to include a long section of verbatim text, which is too long for a single page, inside a figure with a caption.
Unfortunately, when the verbatim environment is put into a figure, it does not automatically split across pages.
Here is a MWE that illustrates the problem which I am facing.


\usepackage{showframe} % show diagram of page layout

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\caption{Three copies of output of \texttt{pdflatex}.}

enter image description here

Best Answer

Floating objects don't admit page breaks; you can use the listings package to typeset your verbatim text; you can use the caption key to provide a caption and (unless you declare the listing as a float), it will admit page breaks:

\usepackage{showframe} % show diagram of page layout



\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Three copies of output of \texttt{pdflatex}.}]
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enter image description here

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