[Tex/LaTex] Specifying an absolute Windows path for \includegraphics


I know that includegraphics can be used in Latex to include images into the document, but how can I specify a path for that file?


Instead of asdd.jpg I want to specify C:\Documents and Settings\Nina\asdd.jpg, because that's where the image is.

Best Answer

You need to write the \ as / because (La)TeX follows the Unix style (which is also used for WWW addresses). Also the spaces in the filename are a problem. You can load the grffile package with the space option to make things easier as mentioned by Herbert in How to include graphics with spaces in their path?. If it wouldn't be for the \vs./ your question would be a duplicate of it. Alternatively try to enclose the file base in { } as explained in \includegraphics: Dots in filename.

% Preamble
% Document
\includegraphics{C:/Documents and Settings/Nina/asdd.jpg}