[Tex/LaTex] Specify x and y in different coordinate systems in pgfplots similar to gnuplot


In gnuplot you can specify positions in several coordinate systems:
First, Second, Graph, Screen, Character.

What are the equivalents in pgfplots?
I know the following:

  • First : axis cs:
  • Second : axis cs: (manual suggests using two axis on top of each other)
  • Graph : rel axis cs:
  • Screen : can be done with the help of barycentric cs:
    \coordinate (topright) at (s.outer north east);
    \coordinate (bottomleft) at (s.outer south west);
    \node at (barycentric cs:bottomleft=0.5,topright=0.5) {CENTER};
    (possibly not the most convenient way and only available outside of \begin{axis}\end{axis})

How can one give x and y coordinate in different systems?



\usepackage{pgfplotstable} % For \pgfplotstableread

0.01    1.00
0.02    2.00
0.03    3.00
0.04    4.00
0.05    5.00

\begin{axis}[ymin=0, ymax=6]
\addplot table  {\datatable};
\node at (axis cs:0.02,3) {A};
\node at (rel axis cs:0.66,0.5){B};
% \node at (rel axis cs:0.66, axis cs:1){C}; % HOW CAN I DO THIS?


I figured out that there are many ways to specify coordinates using

  • different coordinate systems (default (i.e. without specifying): axis description cs),
  • predefined nodes,
  • predefined anchors, or
  • computed values.

Example using the predefined node current axis:

\coordinate (topleft) at ($(current axis.north west) + (-1.3cm,0.3cm)$);

These are described in following chapters of the pgfplots manual:

  • 4.9.1 Placement of Axis Descriptions
    coordinate systems: axis description cs, ticklabel cs
  • 4.9.2 Alignment of Axis Descriptions
    anchors near ticklabel, near ticklabel opposite
  • 4.14.2 Accessing Computed Limit Ranges
  • 4.17.1 Accessing Axis Coordinates in Graphical Elements
    coordinate systems axis cs, axis direction cs and rel axis cs
    nodes current plot begin current plot end
  • 4.17.2 Placing Nodes on Coordinates of a Plot
  • 4.19 Alignment Options (!)
    node current axis with
    anchors center, outer center, outer north west, north west, left of north west, origin, left of origin, …

  • 4.20 The Picture’s Size: Bounding Box and Clipping
    \pgfresetboundingbox, trim

  • 4.24 Transforming Coordinate Systems
    coordinate system data cs
  • 5.7 Grouping plots
    anchor c<x>r<x>.center/left/right

Relevant sections of the pgf manual:

  • 17.5.1 Positioning Nodes Using Anchorscenter, north west, north, north east, east, south east, south, south west, west, base, mid
  • 17.5.2 Basic Placement Optionsabove/below/right/left,
    above left/right, below left/right
  • 17.5.3 Advanced Placement Options\usetikzlibrary{positioning}

Best Answer

As far as I know you can't address components of different coordinate systems. In fact, I don't think it makes too much sense. However, you can use orthogonal identifiers such as


\usepackage{pgfplotstable} % For \pgfplotstableread

0.01    1.00
0.02    2.00
0.03    3.00
0.04    4.00
0.05    5.00

\begin{axis}[ymin=0, ymax=6]
\addplot table  {\datatable};
\node at (axis cs:0.02,3) {A};
\node at (rel axis cs:0.66,0.5){B};
\node at ({rel axis cs:0.66,0}|-{axis cs:0,1}){C}; %<=== Like this

enter image description here

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