[Tex/LaTex] Spacing of bibliography items affects title space


My main tex file is set for double space, but my bibliography must be different. Each item is single space (line spacing, intra item), separated by a double space (paragraph spacing, inter item). All this I was able to do.

But in the process the space between bibliography title and first item was reduced from triple to a double space. Here is what I did to fix the spacing for bibliography items, but it messed with the triple-spaced title making it double space.






Here is the double space title I have (wrong), represented in red:

enter image description here

Here is the triple space title I need (right), represented in red:

enter image description here

Here is the bibliography environment in the cls file.

% Bibliography
           {\itemindent -0.5in
            \leftmargin 0.5in
      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

And here the heading section in the cls:

% Headings
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}% how many sectioning levels to assign numbers to

  {\parindent \z@ \raggedright 
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
        \centering\MakeUppercase{\@chapapp}\space \thechapter
        \vskip 15pt%
    \csname @flushglue\endcsname=0pt plus 0.2in
    \parshape=5 0.625in 4.75in 0.875in 4.25in 1.125in 3.75in 1.375in 3.25in 1.625in 2.75in
    \vskip 15pt%
  {\parindent \z@ \raggedright
    \csname @flushglue\endcsname=0pt plus 0.05\linewidth
    \parshape=5 0.625in 4.75in 0.875in 4.25in 1.125in 3.75in 1.375in 3.25in 1.625in 2.75in
    \vskip 15pt%

What could be done to preserve triple space for Bibliography title? I have no idea of the culprit overriding it.

Best Answer

There are a couple of tricky things going on here.

  1. It looks like the renewed thebibliography environment has no effect when you're using biblatex.

  2. When you switch to single spacing with the \singlespacing command, it inserts a \vskip \baselineskip to make the transition to single spacing (see the definition here).

If you define your own chapter heading, reverse the \vskip and use the heading=none option for biblatex, that seems to do it:


\vskip -\baselineskip