[Tex/LaTex] Spacing between equation and text


How do I create a space for this statement:

enter image description here

I want to have some space between less than 0 and the for $x^{*} \neq$.

This the code that I'm using:

Lastly, the comparative static of $x^*$ w.r.t $\bar{P}$, $$\pdi{x^*}{\bar{P}}=-\frac{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^{*}-1)}}{\underbrace{\pdi{U^{c}}{x}-\pdi{U^{h}}{x}}_\text{(-) by stability condition}}\eqs{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^{*}-1)}} < 0 \text{for $x^{*}\neq 1$}.$$ 

Best Answer

Typically one would include the space as part of your \text, insert a manual control space \ , or use a \quad:

enter image description here

\newcommand{\pdi}[2]{\partial #1 / \partial #2}

Lastly, the comparative static of $x^*$ w.r.t.\ $\bar{P}$,
  \pdi{x^*}{\bar{P}} = -\frac{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^*-1)}}{\underbrace{\pdi{U^c}{x}-\pdi{U^h}{x}}_{\mathclap{\text{($-$) by stability condition}}}}
    \eqs{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^{*}-1)}} < 0 \text{ for $x^{*} \neq 1$}.

Lastly, the comparative static of $x^*$ w.r.t.\ $\bar{P}$,
  \pdi{x^*}{\bar{P}} = -\frac{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^*-1)}}{\underbrace{\pdi{U^c}{x}-\pdi{U^h}{x}}_{\mathclap{\text{($-$) by stability condition}}}}
    \eqs{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^{*}-1)}} < 0 \ \text{for $x^{*} \neq 1$}.

Lastly, the comparative static of $x^*$ w.r.t.\ $\bar{P}$,
  \pdi{x^*}{\bar{P}} = -\frac{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^*-1)}}{\underbrace{\pdi{U^c}{x}-\pdi{U^h}{x}}_{\mathclap{\text{($-$) by stability condition}}}}
    \eqs{-1 - \frac{-a}{2(x^{*}-1)}} < 0 \quad \text{for $x^{*} \neq 1$}.


Above I loaded mathtools (which automatically loads amsmath). It allowed me to use \mathclap for the \underbrace text - avoiding possible overflow of the denominator in the fraction.

Note the use of \[...\] rather than $$...$$.

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