[Tex/LaTex] “Something’s wrong–perhaps a missing \item” in adding list of appendices

appendicestable of contents

According to the following non-working example, I need to add a "List of Appendices" to my document:












\addtocontents{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices}







where app.tex is simply like:



The implemented procedures of ...

But I have no idea about the following thrown error:

Something's wrong–perhaps a missing \item. …entsline

The content of ut-thesis.toc looks like the following after faulty compilation:

\select@language {english}
\contentsline {chapter}{Abstract}{ii}{section*.1}
\contentsline {chapter}{Acknowledgements}{iii}{section*.2}
\contentsline {chapter}{Contents}{v}{section*.3}
\contentsline {chapter}{Appendices}{1}{section*.5}
\contentsline {chapter}{Appendix \numberline {A}Procedures}{2}{Appendix.a.A}

Best Answer

\addtocontents{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices}

is wrong. It should be

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Appendices}