[Tex/LaTex] Slashed “male” symbol


For my thesis I need a symbol for neutered male (veterinary medicine) which is a mars symbol with a backslash superimposed. With the descriptions I found, it didn't work for my document. I'm using scrartcl as documentclass which I can't change because of my reference style.

Best Answer

Since the placement of tha backslash is not obvious from the description in the original question, I provide three options using TikZ (the last one suggested by barbara beeton in a comment):


  \tikz{\node[draw,circle,scale=0.5] (a) {};\draw[->] (a.45) -- +(45:4pt);\draw +(a.north west) -- +(a.south east);}}

  \tikz{\node[draw,circle,scale=0.5] (a) {};\draw[->] (a.45) -- +(45:4pt);\draw +([xshift=-1.5pt,yshift=1.5pt]a.north west) -- +([xshift=1.5pt,yshift=-1.5pt]a.south east);}}

  \tikz{\node[draw,circle,scale=0.5] (a) {};\draw[->] (a.45) -- +(45:4pt);\draw +([xshift=-0.5pt,yshift=2.5pt]a.45) -- +([xshift=2.5pt,yshift=-0.5pt]a.45);}}






enter image description here

I am now almost convinced that the backslash should cross only the arrow, so here are some options for male and female:


  \tikz{\node[draw,circle,scale=0.5] (a) {};\draw[->] (a.45) -- +(45:4pt);\draw[very thin] +([xshift=-0.5pt,yshift=2.2pt]a.45) -- +([xshift=2.2pt,yshift=-0.5pt]a.45);}}

  \tikz{\node[draw,circle,scale=0.5] (a) {};\draw[->] (a.270) -- +(270:4pt);\draw[very thin] +([xshift=-1.9pt,yshift=-1pt]a.270) -- +([xshift=1.9pt,yshift=-1pt]a.270);}}





enter image description here