[Tex/LaTex] Simple Line-Plot with date on x-axis


I need to do a really simple line plot and my data is looking like this:

Date    Value
Apr2013 0.06
Mai2013 0.08
Jun2013 0.1
Jul2013 0.2
Aug2013 0.4
Sep2013 1.5
Okt2013 2.0
Nov2013 4.1
Dez2013 8.1
Jan2014 15.3
Feb2014 23.9
Mär2014 36.5

There is a date in the first column and a float value on the second. The plot should look like that on Apr.2013 the value was 0.06 and so on. So the strings on first column should be on x-axis and the values matching to them on y-axis.
I tried it with tikz but I don't know how to handle the dates in the first column. What I've tried was something like this, which of course didn't work:

            x tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
            y tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
            extra y tick style={grid=major, tick label style={xshift=-1cm}},
            \addplot table[y=Value] {chart-data.csv};

Best Answer

Try this:

date    value
2013-04-22  0.06
2013-05-22  0.08
2013-06-22  0.1
2013-07-22  0.2
2013-08-22  0.4
2013-09-22  1.5
2013-10-22  2.0
2013-11-22  4.1
2013-12-22  8.1
2014-01-22  15.3
2014-02-22  23.9
2014-03-22  36.5
%\pgfplotstabletypeset[string type]{date.dat}
date coordinates in=x,
xticklabel style=
{rotate=90,anchor=near xticklabel},
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/1000 sep=},
extra y tick style={grid=major, tick label style={xshift=-1cm}},
date ZERO=2009-08-18,% <- improves precision!
\addplot table[x=date,y=value] {date.dat};

enter image description here

The date should be enterd with the day number (any number), because tick labels are set as xticklabel=\month.\year. But I do not know how to change numbers to names of months: 04 to Apr, ans so on.