[Tex/LaTex] SideBar in Beamer


I'm using PaloAlto theme. I would like to have an image on the side of the slides instead of the navigation sidebar.

I tried :


but there is still the sidebar with the navigation. How should I do this?

Best Answer

Firs set the sidebar canvas left template to be empty and then include the image using the sidebar left template:


\setbeamertemplate{sidebar canvas left}{}
\setbeamertemplate{sidebar left}{%


\frame{CTAN lion drawing by Duane Bibby.}


enter image description here

If you also want to remove the darker square in the upper left corner, add to the preamble the lines


Now, as a new requirement in a comment, the OP decided that he/she needs a black sidebar, with an image in the middle and the author name in the botton. Here's the new code:


\setbeamertemplate{sidebar canvas left}[vertical shading][top=black,middle=black,bottom=black]

\setbeamertemplate{sidebar left}{%

\author{The Author}

\frame{CTAN lion drawing by Duane Bibby.}


enter image description here

If the black stripe must extend all the way up, an additional redefinition of the headline template will be necessary:


\setbeamertemplate{sidebar canvas left}[vertical shading][top=black,middle=black,bottom=black]

\setbeamertemplate{sidebar left}{%
        \vrule width\beamer@sidebarwidth height \beamer@headheight%
        \hbox to \beamer@sidebarwidth{\hss\vbox to
        \vrule width0pt height \beamer@headheight%  

\author{The Author}

\frame{CTAN lion drawing by Duane Bibby.}


enter image description here