[Tex/LaTex] Set color to output from verbatim


I want to show the output from verbatim in blue color.

I have this:


{\blockcode \begin{verbatim} 
alias vi="vim"

which works fine.

But when I do this


it throws an error

! Argument of \begin has an
extra }.


I tried



{\blockcode \begin{verbatim} 
alias vi="vim"


But the blockcode doesn't end… it flows on to the next element…

Update 2

If I do this:

alias vi="vim"

The Hello also becomes blue in color. Any way I can stop this?

Update 3

Again a roadblock…

:iabbrev <key> <expansion> 

This creates too much gap between Definition and the code.

Best Answer

You have a number of better alternatives.

First. Package verbatim


alias vi="vim"

Pros: easy. Cons: not really customizable.

Second. Package fancyvrb



alias vi="vim"

Pros: very customizable. Cons: less easy to learn how to manage the definitions.

Third. Package listings



alias vi="vim"

Pros: keyword coloring for the supported languages. Cons: doesn't support UTF-8