[Tex/LaTex] semiverbatim with tikz in beamer


I'm using semiverbatim with tikz in beamer. My following MWE throws error:

! Package tikz Error: Sorry, some package has redefined the meaning of
the math-mode dollar sign. This is incompatible with tikz and its calc
library and might cause unrecoverable errors.

Any idea to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.




% The slides with animations take a long time to process.
% They are omitted in handout mode.





\foreach \x in {1,...,46}


  \frametitle{A Simple Document}

        \textcolor<2>{Red}{\cs{documentclass}\annote<5-7>[offset=0.5in,voffset=1cm,pos=br,bg=highlight2]{[a4paper,12pt]}{Class options}\annote<4-7>[pos=br,bg=highlight1]{\marg{article}}{The class name.}}
        \vspace{-2\baselineskip}\alt<7>{\colorbox{highlight4}{\rmfamily Preamble}}{\strut}
        \textcolor<3>{Blue}{\% This is a comment}
        This is   a simple\\
        document\cs{footnote}\marg{with a footnote}.\\
        This is a new paragraph.
        \end{tabular}}{The document.}




csed can be obtained from here.

Best Answer

This was too long for a comment.

The error message is triggered by \tikz@ensure@dollar@catcode defined in the file tikz.code.tex typically found on .../tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/tikz.code.tex); one work-around is to disable the error message using


This might produce undesired results elsewhere in the document, but at least with your example code, it gives the desired result:




% The slides with animations take a long time to process.
% They are omitted in handout mode.





\foreach \x in {1,...,46}


  \frametitle{A Simple Document}

        \textcolor<2>{Red}{\cs{documentclass}\annote<5-7>[offset=0.5in,voffset=1cm,pos=br,bg=highlight2]{[a4paper,12pt]}{Class options}\annote<4-7>[pos=br,bg=highlight1]{\marg{article}}{The class name.}}

        \vspace{-2\baselineskip}\alt<7>{\colorbox{highlight4}{\rmfamily Preamble}}{\strut}


        \textcolor<3>{Blue}{\% This is a comment}

        This is   a simple\\
        document\cs{footnote}\marg{with a footnote}.\\
        This is a new paragraph.
        \end{tabular}}{The document.}




enter image description here

As I said befor, this has the status of a long comment, not an answer, since it only disables the error message.

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