[Tex/LaTex] Sectionbib, natbib and separate bibliographies


I want a bibliography after each chapter in my thesis.
Therefore I first used:

\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress]{natbib}

But I got some errors (like: reference x on page n undefined). In the natbib package description I have read that both cannot be used, but that the sectionbib option can be used in combination with the natbib package.

So now I have:

\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress, sectionbib]{natbib}

This works fine (also by making the bibliography a section in the chapter, which I love). But now I have the complete list of references after each chapter, although each chapter has its own bib file.


                BCOR=5mm,b5paper,fontsize=11pt, american,
\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress, sectionbib]{natbib}


and for the chapters:



Best Answer

The sectionbib of natbib replaces the sectionbib option of chapterbib, but not the entire package.

To get a bibliography after every chapter, you still have to load chapterbib too:

                BCOR=5mm,b5paper,fontsize=11pt, american,
\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress]{natbib}


You do not need the sectionbib option because it is incompatible with scrreprt. A workaround can be found at sectionbib option for natbib doesn't work with scrreprt: Change your chapters to


{\footnotesize \let\chapter\section

Remember that with chapterbib, you have to run bibtex for every chapter.