[Tex/LaTex] Rounded corner colored box around figure


I'm trying to get Rounded corner grey-colored box around figures.
One solution would be to use


but this results in black box around a figure. What would be the
way to proceed?

Best Answer

You can define your own \floatstyle. In this case I took the definition from the float package and adjusted it to use the mdframed package environment to draw the frame.

Here is a comparison of using \floatstyle{boxed} and \floatstyle{myRoundBox}:

enter image description here


  • I took the liberty to add a background color, and tikzsetting to illustrate some of the customization that are possible -- see the mdframed documentation for more options.
  • Updated to incorporate Torbjørn T.'s suggestion of adding a \vspace{\abovecaptionskip} in \def\@fs@mid{} as per How to frame a figure in Lyx.



\mdfdefinestyle{myFigureBoxStyle}{backgroundcolor=yellow!10,, roundcorner=25pt,tikzsetting={draw=blue, line width=1pt}}%





\section{Using boxed}
    \caption{Some caption}

\section{Using myRoundBox}
    \caption{Some caption}