[Tex/LaTex] Right Align Caption with singlelinecheck

captionsfloatshorizontal alignment

I use singlelinecheck=true with the caption package to get small captions centered. However, I would like to be able to also get the single line captions to be left or right aligned. Getting them left aligned is obtained via


as I have done in Figure 1. And if the caption was longer things would still work in this case.

How do get the single line caption of Figure 2 to be right aligned (but only if it is a single line caption)?

enter image description here




    \captionof{figure}{Caption on Left}%
    \captionof{figure}{Caption on Right}%

    \captionof{figure}{Caption Centered}%
    \captionof{figure}{Caption taking up full width}%

Best Answer

You can use the optional argument of \DeclareCaptionStyle to define the special behavior of a onelined caption for an own caption style:



  }% all captions are left aligned

  [justification=Centering]% centered if single line and no `singlelinecheck=false`
  {style=mystyle}% other captions are left aligned

  [justification=RaggedLeft]% right aligned if single line and no `singlelinecheck=false`
  {style=mystyle}% other captions are left aligned


    \captionof{figure}{Caption on Left}%
    \captionof{figure}{Caption on Right}%

    \captionof{figure}{Caption Centered}%
    \captionof{figure}{Caption taking up full width}%

enter image description here

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