[Tex/LaTex] reset counter in tasks environment


Can someone please help me reset the counter(?) in the code below. The Answer section should start with #1. I do need

\RenewTasks[resume, style=custom,label-align=right]{tasks}(2)

in the preamble.

Thank you.

\usepackage[a4paper, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{multicol, paralist, multirow, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, amsfonts, ulem}

  counter-format  = tsk. ,
  label-format    =  \bfseries ,
  label-width     = 2em ,
  label-offset    = .3333em ,
  after-item-skip = 5pt
\RenewTasks[resume, style=custom,label-align=right]{tasks}(2)

In Exercises 1-8, factor the common factor in the polynomials. 
$3x^3 - 21x$
$5x^6 + 15x^4$
$4x^3 + 10x^2 - 2x$
This is a long word problem, more than one line. I can't seem to use rlap for this. I have to use another begin{tasks} section here. 

In Exercises 8-13, solve the polynomial equations. 
$x(x+12) = 0$
$(2x+1)(2x-1) = 0$


answer to the word problem
$x=0, \, x = -12$
$x = - \, \dfrac 12, \, x = \, \dfrac 12$



Best Answer

Two things:

To accomodate a long item, you don't need to start a new environment. Just use \task*

This is a long word problem, more than one line. I can't seem to use rlap for this. I have to use another begin{tasks} section here.

Second, you can pass the option [resume=false] locally, when you type answers


Full code:

\usepackage[a4paper, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{multicol, paralist, multirow, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, amsfonts, ulem}

  counter-format  = tsk. ,
  label-format    =  \bfseries ,
  label-width     = 2em ,
  label-offset    = .3333em ,
  after-item-skip = 5pt
\RenewTasks[resume, style=custom,label-align=right]{tasks}(2)

In Exercises 1-8, factor the common factor in the polynomials.
$3x^3 - 21x$
$5x^6 + 15x^4$
$4x^3 + 10x^2 - 2x$
This is a long word problem, more than one line. I can't seem to use rlap for this. I have to use another begin{tasks} section here.

In Exercises 8-13, solve the polynomial equations.
$x(x+12) = 0$
$(2x+1)(2x-1) = 0$


answer to the word problem
$x=0, \, x = -12$
$x = - \, \dfrac 12, \, x = \, \dfrac 12$


enter image description here

As an aside, instead of hard coding question ranges, you can label the questions and use \ref

As an alternative, you may define these:

\NewTasks[resume, style=custom,label-align=right]{questions}(2)

and use them like

$3x^3 - 21x$

$3x^3 - 21x$

so that code is more readable. You may change the separator \task too, if you wish. For details refer to the manual.

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