[Tex/LaTex] Reset a renewcommand


I have found a Resumé template in Latex. I would like to change the following part of the template but my knowledge of Latex is not that extended.

% Every \item can be followed by one or more paragraphs
% of description:
% |[
% \item{date range}{company}{role}
% Description of what achieved during this application.
% ]|
    {\raggedleft\sc ##1\\[1pt]}
    {\Large\it ##3}

I would like to add (optional) an enumerate in the description. Like this:

% |[
% \item{date range}{company}{role}
% Description of what achieved during this application.
%    \begin{enumerate}
%      \item Foo
%      \item Bar
%    \end{enumerate}
% More description of what achieved during this application.
% ]|

How would you do this? Is this even possible because the \item is redefined if I'm correct?

Best Answer

Not a real fix but rather a workaround where you avoid using \item in the environment:





\item{Data range}

  Description of what achieved during this application.\\
      & Foo~:
      && Sub item.
      && Another sub item.
      & Bar~:

Class: eventListTest.cls




    {\raggedleft\sc ##1\\[1pt]}
    {\Large\it ##3}

More information about easylist

enter image description here

EDITED: Added an example.