[Tex/LaTex] Rescaling gnuplottex to fit in subfigure


I would like to use gnuplot environments (from the gnuplottex package) in subfigures (from the subcaption package).

How can I change the size of the gnuplot graph, so that it will fit into the subfigure and doesn't overlay with the graph next to it?

This is the code I used:



   plot sin(x)
  \caption{A subfigure}
   plot sin(x)
  \caption{Another subfigure}
 \caption{A figure}

And this is its result:

two subfigures, one overlays the other

John commented this solution: Replace \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=cairolatex] by \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=cairolatex, terminaloptions={size 7cm, 4cm}].
Now I have follow-up questions:
Is it possible to specify the size as 0.4\textwidth instead of 7cm?
Could I just specify the width but not the height and keep the aspect ratio?

Best Answer

I found a post on another question that answered my question: How do I change the aspect ratio of gnuplot output?

This is how I solved my problem:

\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\convertlen}{ O{cm} m }
  \dim_to_unit:nn { #2 } { 1 #1 } cm


  \begin{gnuplot}[terminal = cairolatex, terminaloptions = {size \convertlen{\textwidth},\convertlen{.3\textheight}}]
   plot sin(x)
  \caption{A subfigure}
  \begin{gnuplot}[terminal = cairolatex, terminaloptions = {size \convertlen{\textwidth},\convertlen{.3\textheight}}]
   plot sin(x)
  \caption{Another subfigure}
 \caption{A figure}\label{fig:1}
