[Tex/LaTex] Repeat table header on every page using supertabular


This question is related to this one: How to repeat top rows (column headings) on every page

But I want to repeat the header row of a table using supertabular and not long table.

Best Answer

According to the manual of supertabular, declare

\tablehead{<the code you want for the common headings>}
\tablefirsthead{<the code for the first heading>}
\tabletail{<the code for the common bottoms>}
\tablelasttail{<the code for the last table bottom>}

just before starting the supertabular.

Pay attention: the supertabular environment and those declarations are to be enclosed in a group (the center environment, for instance). Otherwise you'll get the same heads and tails in all supertabular tables until you change the value of them.

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