[Tex/LaTex] Removing x and y ticks in PGFplot


I'm trying to disable the ticks from showing on this diagram:
I've tried using x tick=empty as you can see, but it doesn't appear to change anything since I'm not actually plotting in the axis, only using it for easy construction. Any ideas?


\begin{axis}[xtick=\empty, ytick=\empty, minor tick num=0, scaled ticks=false, xticklabel=\empty,yticklabel=\empty,axis x line=bottom,axis y line=left,xlabel={Volume}, ylabel={Pressure}]
\draw [very thick][-latex](160pt,20pt)..controls(100pt,25pt) and (60pt,45pt)..(42pt,58pt);
\draw [very thick][-latex] (40pt,60pt)--(40pt,126pt);
\draw [very thick][-latex] (40pt,130pt)..controls(60pt,90pt) and (100pt,70pt)..(157pt,60pt);
\draw [very thick][-latex] (160pt,60pt)--(160pt,23pt);
\filldraw(40pt,60pt)circle(2pt) (40pt,130pt)circle (2pt)(160pt,60pt)circle(2pt)(160pt,20pt)circle(2pt);
\draw (160pt,20pt) node [below right] {$1$};
\draw (40pt,60pt) node [below left] {$2$};
\draw (40pt,130pt) node [left] {$3$};
\draw (160pt,60pt) node [above right] {$4$};

Best Answer

I think pgfplots is a little bit of an overkill since it is only two lines to be drawn. However you can simplify a little bit using the ticks=none option.

\begin{axis}[ticks=none,axis x line=bottom,axis y line=left,xlabel={Volume}, ylabel={Pressure}]
\draw [very thick][-latex](160pt,20pt)..controls(100pt,25pt) and (60pt,45pt)..(42pt,58pt);
\draw [very thick][-latex] (40pt,60pt)--(40pt,126pt);
\draw [very thick][-latex] (40pt,130pt)..controls(60pt,90pt) and (100pt,70pt)..(157pt,60pt);
\draw [very thick][-latex] (160pt,60pt)--(160pt,23pt);
\filldraw(40pt,60pt)circle(2pt) (40pt,130pt)circle (2pt)(160pt,60pt)circle(2pt)(160pt,20pt)circle(2pt);
\draw (160pt,20pt) node [below right] {$1$};
\draw (40pt,60pt) node [below left] {$2$};
\draw (40pt,130pt) node [left] {$3$};
\draw (160pt,60pt) node [above right] {$4$};

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