[Tex/LaTex] Removing scientific notation in tikzpicture made by matlab2tikz


I am having a very hard time trying to figure out how to remove the scientific notations on the y-axis of my graphs. The graphs are made in MATLAB and then converted into TikZ files using the package matlab2tikz. I have added the codes to remove scientific notations in MATLAB, but it seems when I put the tikz files into LaTeX, it automatically recovers the scientific notation format. Any help would be appreciated!

The code I use in LaTeX is as follows


Best Answer

If it is too laborous to edit all tikz files, you can apply a global setting such that they are applied to each and every plot. Here is an example:



% A dummy pgfplots plot with no settings applied
        \addplot coordinates {(1000,125000)(1500,175000)(900,225000)};

% A setting that would be applied to all pgfplots
\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
        scaled y ticks = false, 
        scaled x ticks = false, 
        y tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill,
                            int detect,1000 sep={\;},precision=3},
        x tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill,
                            int detect, 1000 sep={},precision=3}


enter image description here

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