[Tex/LaTex] Remove whitespace above and below itemize in a table


I have a table where some cells contain a bulleted list produced by itemize. I want to present these lists in a compact way. I use the enumitem package and \setlist[itemize]{nosep} (plus other parameters to reduce horizontal space but they're irrelevant here so I didn't include them in my MWE).

I'm still getting unwanted whitespace above and below the list, when it's the sole item in a cell (but not when there's text above/below). How can I get rid of this unwanted vertical space?

I'd like the first line of the list item to be aligned with the first line of a plain text cell in the same row of the table, or close enough.

Not acceptable: merely faking the bullets, because some items are multiline and I do want the indentation. I won't have nested lists, so redoing the bullets and the indentation of subsequent lines without invoking the itemize environment would be ok.

image of MWE


Too much space before and after \verb`itemize`:

  wibble \par wobble \par wubble &
  \item something
  \item something else, which can span multiple lines
  \end{itemize} &
  \item hello
  \item world
  \item more
  \\ \hline
  wibble \par wobble \par wubble &
  \item something
  \item something else, which can span multiple lines
  \end{itemize} &
  \item hello
  \item world
  \item more
  even more
  \\ \hline


Approximate desired visual effect:

  wibble \par wobble \par wubble &
  \item something
  \item something else, which can span multiple lines
  \item hello
  \item world
  \item more
  \\ \hline

Best Answer

For example, replace itemize environment by something more understandable:

   \noindent\hbox to1.5em{\hss$\bullet$\hss}\hangindent=1.5em }}

  wibble \par wobble \par wubble &
  \item something
  \item something else, which can span multiple lines &
  \item hello
  \item world
  \item more
  \\ \hline
  wibble \par wobble \par wubble &
  \item something
  \item something else, which can span multiple lines & 
  \item hello
  \item world
  \item more
  even more
  \\ \hline
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