[Tex/LaTex] Remove the chapter numbers but display the titles in the table of contents in the book

sectioningtable of contents

I want to remove the title "Chapter 1" , "Chapter 2" , etc. in the book class and keep only the chapter name as the title and also update this in the table of contents.But when I give chapter* it does not display the chapter name in the table of contents. Here is my code:

%\title{Web Blog} %use titlesec
%\subtitle{Software Requirement Specification}
%\author{Subham Soni.S}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[magenta,line width=5pt] ($(current page.north west) +(1in,-0.5in)$) -- ($(current page.south west) +(1in,0.5in)$);

\LARGE Software Requirement Specification

The preface tex document:

\paragraph*{Blog}is an abbreviated version of \textbf{weblog} which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other Web sites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects. \par
\textit{This document is intended for any individual user, developer, tester, project manager or documentation writer that needs to understand the basic system architecture and specifications of a web blog.}

The purpose tex document:

\paragraph*{}The purpose of the project is to provide users to create and manage their own blogs in various domains.There are three types of users, the \textit{Administrator}, the \textit{Blog Owner} and the \textit{Blog Viewer}.The Administrator has full control over the website, can delete the users or blogs if required. The Blog owner can create, edit, and delete blogs. The Blog viewer can view, comment the blogs and share them.

The scope tex document:

\chapter{Scope and Limitations}
The scope and limitations of this system are:
\item The web blog is designed for a limited number of domains so that it is feasible.
\item The web blog restricts the number of posts if the owners present average blog ratings are not above 3. 
\item The members can view the blog and share them on social media networks.

In TeXMaker , How do I Make the Documentataion.tex (the first set of code) as the main file?

Best Answer

With titlesec package:

\usepackage{lipsum} % only for the example










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