[Tex/LaTex] Remove space between x axis and bars in bar plot

bar chartpgfplots

I've created a grouped bar chart with pgfplots and pimped it with the help of a few questions here. The only remaining problem is that my x axis is at -1, whereas the bars start at 0. How do I get the x axis to 0? Thanks!

\pgfplotsset{/pgfplots/ybar legend/.style={
    /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={\draw[##1,/tikz/.cd,bar
 width=3pt,yshift=-0.2em,bar shift=0pt] plot coordinates {(0cm,0.8em)
 legend style={at={(0.5,-0.15)},
 anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
 symbolic x coords={TAL HH,TAL TZ5,TAL TZ6},
\addplot+[ error bars/.cd, x dir=both, x explicit, y dir=both, y explicit,] coordinates {
(TAL HH, 76879917) -=(0,22531389) +=(0,21159986)
(TAL TZ5, 27228112) -=(0,5414108) +=(0,6209091)
(TAL TZ6, 63135992) -=(0,14518424) +=(0,17525052)};
\addplot+[ error bars/.cd, x dir=both, x explicit, y dir=both, y explicit,    ] coordinates {
(TAL HH, 58917246) -=(0,8508086) +=(0,9412441)
(TAL TZ5, 21851813) -=(0,2888807) +=(0,2381172)
(TAL TZ6, 55715124) -=(0,11839828) +=(0,5571992)};
\addplot+[ error bars/.cd, x dir=both, x explicit, y dir=both, y explicit,] coordinates {
(TAL HH, 22860014) -=(0,1997756) +=(0,1974453)
(TAL TZ5, 1825717) -=(0,906132) +=(0,809597)
(TAL TZ6, 15720028) -=(0,5089543) +=(0,4310822)};





Best Answer

Instead of enlargelimits=0.25, you need to specify how much pgfplots should introduce slack space around the plot. For example, using

enlarge y limits={0.25,upper},
enlarge x limits=0.25,

instead of enlargelimits=0.25 will give

enter image description here

otherwise the extra space is added to both sides of the plot for both axis.

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