[Tex/LaTex] Remove space between consecutive fbox commands


I type several fbox commands and for some reason the boxes are separated with small spaces:

enter image description here





\fbox{text text text text text text text text text text text}
\fbox{text text text text text text text text text text text}
\fbox{text text text text text text text text text text text}
\fbox{text text text text text text text text text text text}


My first thought was that this is due to justification. But then I left aligned the contents and the "problem" is still there.

I want to remove space between these fboxes: both vertical and horizontal (shown on the screenshot with red arrows).


The original problem is to generate badges with datatool. I have a badge template and I generate it many times from a csv file using datatool. The problem is that badges are a little bit apart from each other so I would have to cut them out manually later.






Name1 & Title1
Name2 & Title2
Name3 & Title3
Name4 & Title4
Name5 & Title5
Name6 & Title6




      {\bf \fontsize{30}{36}\selectfont\textrm{\NAME}\par}






enter image description here


In case one is going to use two-sided badges — one would want to have same name written twice, as is allows to bend the badge and have the same name on both sides. In this case one might use:


Name1 & Title1
Name2 & Title2
Name3 & Title3
Name4 & Title4
Name5 & Title5



% 4 per in a column:

% % 5 per in a column:
% \usepackage[a4paper,top=0.27cm,bottom=0.1cm,left=0.5in,right=0.5in]{geometry}



% \offinterlineskip
\noindent % <- Outside the loop
{% <- Spurious space was here
  \allowbreak % <- Added

      {\bf \fontsize{30}{36}\selectfont\textrm{\NAME}\par}



    \end{minipage}}% <- Spurious space was here

      {\bf \fontsize{30}{36}\selectfont\textrm{\NAME}\par}



    \end{minipage}}% <- Spurious space was here


Which gives:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You have spurious spaces. I also removed \noindent from the loop, put it outside, and put \allowbreak before any \fbox. With \offinterlineskip all goes well. If you want to have another things in the document, you should enclose everything in a group \begingroup .. \endgroup.






Name1 & Title1
Name2 & Title2
Name3 & Title3
Name4 & Title4
Name5 & Title5
Name6 & Title6



\noindent % <- Outside the loop
{% <- Spurious space was here
  \allowbreak % <- Added




    \end{minipage}}% <- Spurious space was here

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