[Tex/LaTex] Remove prefix from figure caption in tufte-book document class


I want to get rid of prefixes in figure captions. I use MikTeX, XeLaTeX and tufte-latex style class. I've tried three variants:


but no one helped. Am I doing something wrong?
Here's MWE:



\setmainfont{Palatino Linotype}



Best Answer

If you want to remove only "Fig." (in Russian "Рис."), then


in the document preamble will print the caption as

1: Foto

If instead you want to get rid also of the number and the colon, a slightly more complicated patch is required: the whole \@caption command must be modified.

  {\noindent\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: \ignorespaces}

With this code you'll get only


Here's a complete example:




%%% With this code no name and number will appear
  {\noindent\csname fnum@#1\endcsname: \ignorespaces}

%%% Remove the above code and uncomment the following
%%% three lines if you still want the number




The package caption can't be used because tufte-book redefines the code for captions in an incompatible way.

In case you want no prefix and no number, but still want a list of figures (of course without the numbers), add also the following code before \makeatother:


The captions in the list will be links to the actual figure.