[Tex/LaTex] References with section and subsection name


I declare sections and subsections as such in my document:



These are formatted using the titlesec package to display "Problem 1" and "Part a" respectively.

When I reference a given subsection using the \ref{label} command, it displays something like 1.1, which are clearly the values of the section/subsection counters. What I want however, is to display something like 1a in references, where the1 and the a respectively take their values from the section/subsection names. I have tried using the nameref package to do this, but it only displays the a part, and there doesn't seem like a way to have the name of the section (containing the subsection) printed as well.

Any suggestions are welcome — either in raw LaTeX, modifying \nameref, or using some other package.

Best Answer

With my comment in mind, here's a patch for \nameref which will combine the names of two sectioning levels:



  \expandafter\let\csname @currentlabelname@\thesection@level\endcsname\GetTitleStringResult



section: \nameref{sec:1}.

subsection: \nameref{sec:1a}.


I hope it is clear that this is not very general, but it answers your exact question. It sould be possible to generalize it further.


Patch when titlesec is used...



  \csname @currentlabelname@\csname#1@level\endcsname\endcsname{#2}%