[Tex/LaTex] references section – no indent in first line + formatting


hope you can help me out with this one. here's the issue: I'm trying to create the references section in my paper. I already have a long list with the authors. But the problem is that the first line of the paragraph is indent, and the rest is no indent. However, as it is the reference section, I need the first line to be no indent and the rest of the paragraph indent. And all that should be done without using an outside bib tex file. Just plain style in the text.

I copy the header of my latex file:

%\usepackage[colorlinks = true,
%            linkcolor = blue,
%            urlcolor  = black,
%            citecolor = blue,
%            anchorcolor = black]{hyperref}

And an example of my reference section:


Aguiar, A., McDougall, R., \& Narayanan, B. (2012). Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 8 Data Base. Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University.

APEC (1997). The Impact of Trade Liberalization in APEC, Economic Committee, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Singapore.

I really hope you can help me out hereby!!! thank you guys!!


Best Answer

I suggest you use the hangingparas environment of the hanging package.

enter image description here

%%% I've commented out the packages that have no direct bearing on this question






%\usepackage[colorlinks = true,
%            linkcolor = blue,
%            urlcolor  = black,
%            citecolor = blue,
%            anchorcolor = black]{hyperref}




\begin{hangparas}{2em}{1} % first argument determines amount of haning indentation
Aguiar, A., McDougall, R., \& Narayanan, B. (2012). Global Trade, Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 8 Data Base. Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University.

APEC (1997). The Impact of Trade Liberalization in APEC, Economic Committee, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, Singapore.
