Cross-Referencing – Reference Different Places to the Same Footnote


For example, I want to make footnotes both at Sentence 1 and Sentence 2 (which are on the same page) to the same footnote. Wikipedia's "References" have this effect.

Best Answer

You could do this (tested in article and amsart):

Text with first footnote\footnote{\label{note1}This is the labeled footnote}
and more text with a second footnote\footnote{here}.

In this new paragraph we have a reference to the first

The result will be

Footnotes as per above code example

Edit: Further testing reveals, that the above solution fails when footnotes are numbered with anything other regular numbers. This is due to the fact, that the argument to \footnotemark is the value of a counter. Placing


in the preamble will allow us to mend the above example allowing any numbering of the footnotes.

Text with first footnote\footnote{\label{note1}This is the labeled footnote}
and more text with a second footnote\footnote{here}.

In this a paragraph we have a reference to the first footnote\footnoteref{note1}.

Edit 2: This will cause a problem when using hyperref where the link created by the \footnoterefmacro points to the previous footnote and not to the referenced footnote. Using the package cleveref as in this answer seems to be the perfect fit.

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