[Tex/LaTex] Reference a slide in Beamer


I have an example in my beamer presentation which I mention in another page. I want to include the page of that example in an automatic way. Here is my code. The reference to the example is on the last page.

Thank you.



\title{Main Title} 
\author{Jane Doe}
\institute{University A}


\titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide

\frametitle{First Page}
This is an example which will be used later.

\frametitle{Second Page}
\item Item 1
\item Item 2

\frametitle{Third Page}
\item In this slide, we are going to use the sample example on page 2. % Here I want to reference the page of the example automatically.


Best Answer

Place a label to the frame you want to cross-reference and then use \ref:



\title{Main Title} 
\author{Jane Doe}
\institute{University A}


\titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide

\frametitle{First Page}
This is an example which will be used later.

\frametitle{Second Page}
\item Item 1
\item Item 2

\frametitle{Third Page}
\item In this slide, we are going to use the sample example on slide~\ref{important}.
