[Tex/LaTex] Reducing page margin of Springer LNCS format


I am using Springer LNCS format to author a paper. However, the page margin seems to be too wide. How can it be reduced to a decent value? Here is the CLS style file. Because of post size limit, I could not post the CLS file itself. Instead, it has been hyperlinked.

Best Answer

That llncs is standard is not true, in my opinion. However, nothing prevents you from using geometry with it. Adjust to your needs the parameters I set. Of course, submitting such a document to Springer will cause rejection.


  a4paper,         % or letterpaper
  textwidth=15cm,  % llncs has 12.2cm
  textheight=24cm, % llncs has 19.3cm
  heightrounded,   % integer number of lines
  hratio=1:1,      % horizontally centered
  vratio=2:3,      % not vertically centered

\usepackage{lipsum} % just for the example



\title{my title}
\titlerunning{my title}

\author{author1 name\inst{1} and  author2 name\inst{1,2}}
\authorrunning{author1 name}

\authorrunning{Short author list}% Part of LEFT running header
\titlerunning{Short title}% Part of RIGHT running header

\institute{University 1 \\
University 2 \\






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