I am preparing a bar chart in PGF and it is a pleasure to work with. The only problem is that I have trouble reducing the font size used to indicate the value associated to each bar. Consider the following MWE:
ybar,%=8pt, % configures ‘bar shift’
symbolic x coords={1982, 1990, 1999, 2006},
%tick label style={font=\footnotesize},
legend style={at={(0.5,-0.15)},
anchor=north,legend columns=-1},
nodes near coords,
%every node near coord/.style={font=\footnotesize},
nodes near coords align={vertical},
\addplot coordinates {(1982, 1.78) (1990, 1.71) (1999, 1.68) (2006, 1.62)};
\addplot coordinates {(1982, 1.70) (1990, 1.62) (1999, 1.59) (2006, 1.64)};
\addplot coordinates {(1982, 2.04) (1990, 1.96) (1999, 1.95) (2006, 1.91)};
\legend{USA, Netherlands, {(West-)Germany}}
This gives a wonderful plot. Probem is, the bar labels are too large and overlap. I tried changing this using every node near coord/.style={font=\footnotesize},
. However, then the labels all appear above each other and are not above the corresponding bars anymore. How can I keep them at their right places? Is this a bug?
Best Answer
I switch my comment to an answer.
You are using
every node near coord/.style={font=\tiny},
. In this case all predefined settings will be lost.pgfkeys
has a special handler to add an extra option to a defined style namedappend style
. Based on this information you can useevery node near coord/.append style={font=\tiny}