[Tex/LaTex] Quotation marks around operator in math mode


I want to create formulae where the \rightarrow is enclosed in double quotation marks and appears like any other word in a formula. What I'm getting instead, are formulae where these quotation marks are drawn to adjacent words, leaving a gap between the quotation marks and the \rightarrow.

Example: I'm getting Some'' -> ''Word. I want Some ''->'' Word.
The sequence ''->'' should be treated the same as Some or Word.
The -> (\rightarrow) should be rendered as if it were used in an arbitrary math-environment.
I have looked at this answer, but I could not turn that into something useful, as my MWE will show.
Also, I do not wish to break up my math environment, since the quotation marks are part of the formulae.

bad rendering


$Op \mapsto Op ``\rightarrow'' Op$%large gap on left; ' treated as prime

$Op \mapsto Op {``\rightarrow''} Op$%large gap on left; ' treated as prime

$Op \mapsto Op \mlq\rightarrow\mrq Op$%large gaps on left & right

$Op \mapsto Op {\mlq\rightarrow\mrq} Op$%large gaps on left & right

Quotation marks close\\
to arrow: ``$\rightarrow$''

Best Answer

Declare \mlq and so on as \mathrel, because TeX doesn't add space between consecutive relation symbols:



$Op \mapsto Op \mlq\rightarrow\mrq Op$

$Op \mapsto Op \mlqq\rightarrow\mrqq Op$

Quotation marks close to arrow: ``$\rightarrow$''

enter image description here

If you need quotes around other symbols, you can follow a different path; declare the quotes as ordinary symbols (with \mathord) and define


so you can have something like

$\mlq A\mrq \qqto \mlqq B\mrqq$

without worrying about spacings.