[Tex/LaTex] Questionnaire template?


Is there a template available that allows me to create questionnaires like this one?



Based on the answer and comments I did this example:

\node (table) [inner sep=0pt] {
  The software ... & - - & - & -/+ & + & + + &\\
  is complicated to use & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & is not complicated to use\\
bietet nicht alle Funktionen um die anfallenden Aufgaben effizient zu bewältigen  & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & bietet alle Funktionen, um die anfallenden Aufgaben effizient zu bewältigen
\draw (table.north west) rectangle (table.south east);

But now I have to problems. First how can I center the checkboxes (\square) vertically?

How can i make the table wider? I tried to use \pagewidth instead of \textwidth but this doesnt work.

Best Answer

You can use the m column type to center the checkboxes vertically. If you want to make the tabular wider then \textwidth, like 1.2\textwidth, surround it with \makebox[\textwidth]{ ... } to center it.

Here the example code. Note also the $ $ to typeset the - and + symbols.




\renewcommand{\tabularxcolumn}[1]{m{#1}} % redefine 'X' to use 'm'


  The software ... & $--$ & $-$ & $-/+$ & $+$ & $++$ &\\
  is complicated to use & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & is not complicated to use\\
bietet nicht alle Funktionen um die anfallenden Aufgaben effizient zu bewältigen  & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & bietet alle Funktionen, um die anfallenden Aufgaben effizient zu bewältigen

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