[Tex/LaTex] Projection of included 2D graphics to a plane


General purpose

I want to project a graphic file from external sources (example.pdf saved on my computer e.g. a chip design) on the bottom of a 3D graphic (which I can draw in LaTeX by using TikZ, pstrick or asymptote).

I know that it works for text letters, see How to project text onto a plane?. So I guess that it would also work with an included graphics!

Example using TikZ

I also achieved a minor step towards this goal but I am not happy with performing a 2D rotation in 3D. How can I configure the command

/tikz/cm={a, b, c, d, coordinate}

in order to perform a 3D rotation? The command is given in the tikz-pgf manual (v3.0.0, p.363) in chapter 25.3. Or is there a simpler way to go? Also Canvas Transformation could be used…

By the way, I perform 3D rotations by using


which is contained in the package tikz-3dplot.




\coordinate (chip) at (0,0,0);
\node[cm={1,0,cos(20),sin(20),(0,0)}] at (coordA){\includegraphics[width=20em]{example.pdf}};


I am also interested whether I can include graphics with asymptote or not.

EDIT (not minimal tikz example):

I want to give you an impression what I am intended to do:


    \fill[red!50,opacity=0.5] #1 -- #2 -- #3 -- #4 -- cycle;


% Underlaying graphics:
% Position of the box:
    \coordinate (positionA) at (+2.2,0,0);
% Draw the rotated box:
    % Rectangle's (side's) half sizes
    \coordinate (RectangleX) at (1.15,0,0);
    \coordinate (RectangleY) at (0,1.15,0);
    \coordinate (RectangleZ) at (0,0,0.2);
    % Center of cube:
    \coordinate (root) at ($(positionA)+(RectangleZ)$);
    % Cube:

which results in:

Simple example using expanded code

Other application

It is somehow similar to an architect's plan. A 2D plan below and a simple 3D structure on top of it.

enter image description here

Best Answer

In a cube the bottom is invisible, the reason why I define an own plane P2inner. Needs the lates pst-solides3d and an eps image which has only basic line elements, like lineto curveto and moveto:


\psset{viewpoint=20 -120 30 rtp2xyz,Decran=20,unitPicture=15,lightsrc=viewpoint}
\psSolid[object=plan,definition=normalpoint,base=-6 6 -6 6,args={0 0 -4 [0 0.1 1]},
\psImage[unitPicture=30,file=tiger.eps,origine=0 0 -4,normal=0 0 1,phi=180](-4,0)
\psImage[unitPicture=30,file=tiger.eps,origine=Cube 0 solidcentreface,normal=Cube 0 solidnormaleface,phi=-90]
\psImage[unitPicture=30,file=tiger.eps,origine=Cube 3 solidcentreface,normal=Cube 3 solidnormaleface]
\psImage[unitPicture=30,file=tiger.eps,origine=Cube 2 solidcentreface,normal=Cube 2 solidnormaleface]


enter image description here