[Tex/LaTex] Problems with MLA citation


I'm having some problems with MLA style citation with Biblatex.
I have tried to implement the example in a newly created document,





and used \autocite{x} and \printbibliography between the \begin{Document} \end{Document}

Found here:

And I have also copied this example (the correct answer):

How can I create bibliography in MLA format with BibTeX?

But I have got a bunch of errors…

I was able to cite with biblatex APA style with Biber.
I am using TeXstudio, but I have also tried running the commands in cmd. (I'm using Windows 10). The default bib tool is configured to Biber. I have TeX Live (2015) on my computer, with full install.

I am getting these errors:

Thank you for your time, attention, and for your answers in advance.

Best Answer

The biblatex-mla styles has not been updated since 2013. In the past the style worked more or less smoothly (ignoring the odd rough edge here and there), but some functions were not set up or implemented leaving you with empty citations in some cases (see URL in footcite mla for example).

The recent changes to biblatex's name format introduced in version 3.3 (see Biblatex 3.3 name formatting) have now made the style pretty much unusable.

You should consider ditching biblatex-mla for a more up-to-date and maintained style. If you absolutely have to use biblatex-mla and don't need biblatex's Biber only features, you can use the BibTeX backend instead of Biber, because the changes to the name format were not applied to the BibTeX backend.

The following MWE thus works



