[Tex/LaTex] problem with starred version of \nameref, \autoref, \fullref from hyperref with tex4ht


EDIT:@runartrollet: I clarify the problem. THe pdf outputs as expected the links in every instance of the commands autoref and nameref. and\fullref, starred or not. But the html file, the command

  • fullref without star has no underlined link for the title of the section
    [whereas the non-starred autoref and nameref individually behaves well]

  • fullref with star does link-ify the chapitre+section number+section title, but it is does not replace the label of the section with the actual title of the section

  • nameref without star does not work in html


I have a problem with hyperref+make4ht when I use autoref and nameref. I use a command \fullref found here.

compiled with make4ht -ul hello.tex, my output is
html output
pdf output

the problem comes from the star after \nameref:

this is a comment from the page above:

I have added the star for \nameref that I have forgotten in the comment. The star forms prevent nested double links. – Heiko Oberdiek Jun 30 '13 at 23:32 

We see that my label MYLABEL is not always taken by make4ht



%%% for babel



fullref without star: \fullref{sec:MYLABEL},\\
autoref without star : \autoref{MYLABEL}\\
nameref without star : \nameref{sec:MYLABEL}\\
ref: \ref{MYLABEL}\\


fullref with star: \fullrefwithstar{sec:MYLABEL},\\
autoref with star : \autoref*{sec:MYLABEL}\\
nameref with star : \nameref*{sec:MYLABEL}\\
ref with star: \ref*{sec:MYLABEL}\\


Best Answer

edit: I've posted a patch at tex4ht bug tracker, it should be fixed in TeX Live soon.

There is missing support for \nameref* command in tex4ht configuration file hyperref.4ht, it seems. Missing \@namerefstar command is reported during compilation. This is strange, as tex4ht does normally support commands defined in packages out of the box, it needs to configure only commands where we need specific formatting usually. The culprit is that hyperref.sty detects tex4ht and it stops it's own loading before the command is defined. Anyway, we can just copy definition of this command from hyperref.sty at suitable place in hyperref.4ht:


The full hyperref.4ht is now following:

% hyperref.4ht                          2016-01-12-20:20 %
% Copyright (C) 1999-2009       Eitan M. Gurari         %
% Copyright 2009-2016 TeX Users Group
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any
% later version. The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions
% of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% The Current Maintainer of this work
% is the TeX4ht Project <http://tug.org/tex4ht>.
% If you modify this program, changing the
% version identification would be appreciated.
\csname end:hyperref\endcsname
   \input nameref.4ht

\expandafter\ifx \csname ifHy@texht\endcsname\relax
      \let \csname ifHy@texht\endcsname}\csname ifhy@texht\endcsname
\expandafter\ifx \csname ifHy@texht\endcsname\relax
      \let \csname ifHy@texht\endcsname}\csname iffalse\endcsname
\ifHy@texht \else
    \:warning{tex4ht loaded after hyperref}
    \csname Hy@texhttrue\endcsname

\def\:temp{\protect \T@ref}
\ifx \::ref\:temp
   \edef\::ref{\noexpand\protect \expandafter\noexpand \csname ::ref \endcsname}
   \expandafter\def\csname ::ref \endcsname{\@ifstar \@refstar \T@ref}
\expandafter\ifx \csname :ref \endcsname\:temp
   \expandafter\def\csname :ref \endcsname{\@ifnextchar*{\:refstar}{\r:ref}}

\expandafter\ifx \csname real@setref\endcsname\relax
           \expandafter\noexpand\csname r@\x\endcsname{\x}%

\expandafter\ifx \csname real@setref\endcsname\relax

    \expandafter\HyRef@autosetref\csname r@#2\endcsname{#2}{#1}%

      \Hy@Warning{No autoref name for `page'}%

\def\HyRef@autosetref#1#2#3{% link command, csname, refname
  \ifcase 0\ifx#1\relax 1\fi\ifx#1\Hy@varioref@undefined 1\fi\relax
    \nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}%
      Reference `#2' on page \thepage\space undefined%

      \@ifundefined{\HyRef@name autorefname}{%
        \@ifundefined{\HyRef@name name}{%
          \Hy@Warning{No autoref name for `#1'}%
            \expandafter\noexpand\csname\HyRef@name name\endcsname
          \expandafter\noexpand\csname\HyRef@name autorefname\endcsname


\expandafter\ifx \csname H@item\endcsname\relax
   \def\:temp{dvi}\ifx \XR@ext\:temp \else
     \def\:temp{html}\ifx \XR@ext\:temp \else
         \:warning{\string\usepackage[...]{hyperref} assumes `\XR@ext'
              option, not `tex4ht'}
      \:warning{\string\usepackage[...]{hyperref} assumes `\XR@ext'
           option, not `tex4ht'}

\ifx \@@wrindex\:UnDef \else
     \endgroup \@esphack
\ifx \HyInd@@wrindex\:UnDef \else
\ifx \Hy@RestoreLastskip\:UnDef
\ifx \hyperpage\:UnDef  \let\hyperpage=\empty  \fi
\ifx\:temp\empty \else
      \expandafter\ifx \csname ##1:keys\endcsname\relax
             \expandafter\def\csname ##1:keys\endcsname{##2}%
      \else  \expandafter\append:def\csname ##1:keys\endcsname{##2}%
      \fi  }
   \def\:temp{#2}\ifx \:temp\empty \else
   \expandafter\ifx \csname a:\:form:attr ::\nosp:arg\endcsname\relax
      \expandafter\ifx \csname a:::\nosp:arg\endcsname\relax
            \:warning{No configuration for \:form:attr ::\nosp:arg}%
      \else \def\AttributeVal{#2}\csname a:::\nosp:arg\endcsname
      \def\AttributeVal{#2}\csname a:\:form:attr ::\nosp:arg\endcsname
   \default:textarea\else \:textarea\fi}
\def\scan:args#1{\let\Attributes=\empty \let\:textarea=\empty
   \expandafter\ifx \csname #1:keys\endcsname\relax
   \else  \expand:after{\expand:after
      {\expandafter\scan:arg}\csname #1:keys\endcsname,}\fi
   \def\:temp{#1}\ifx \:temp\empty\else \ifx \:temp\space\else
      \ifx \:temp\empty
         \edef\:textarea{\ifx \:textarea\empty\else ,\fi #1}%
   \def\:temp{#2}\ifx \:temp\empty \else
\def\check:t#1,#2//{\def\:tempa{#1}\ifx \:temp\:tempa \:Optiontrue
       \def\:tempa{#2}\ifx\:tempa\empty\else \def\:tempa{\check:t#2//}\fi




        \xdef\@currentHlabel{\csname the#1\endcsname}%
        \xdef\@currentHlabel{\csname theH#1\endcsname}%
  \leavevmode  \begingroup    \hyper@chars
   \ifx \hyper:normalise\:UnDef
  \endgroup }
%  \pend:defI\hyper@normalise{\let\hyper:normalise\def}%
  \expandafter\pend:def\csname hyperref
  \expandafter\pend:def\csname href \endcsname{\let\hyper:normalise\def}%

\ifx \H@equation\:UnDef \else
\ifx \H@endequation\:UnDef \else
\ifx \H@eqnarray\:UnDef \else
\ifx \H@endsubeqnarray\:UnDef \else
\ifx \H@subeqnarray\:UnDef \else
\ifx \H@endsubeqnarray\:UnDef \else

\csname ReadBookmarks\endcsname
\ifx \Hy@linkfileprefix\empty\else
   \:warning{\noexpand\href of hyperref.sty introduces the prefix
             `\Hy@linkfileprefix' to prefix-free references.
             The command \string\hyperlinkfileprefix{...}
             may be used for changing the prefix (probably
   \scan:args{}#1,//\a:Form }
   \csname a:TextField::\:textarea\endcsname  \leavevmode#2%
   \csname b:TextField::\:textarea\endcsname  }
   \csname a:PushButton::\:textarea\endcsname }
   \csname a:Reset::\:textarea\endcsname }
   \csname a:Submit::\:textarea\endcsname }
   \csname a:CheckBox::\:textarea\endcsname
   #2\csname b:CheckBox::\:textarea\endcsname}
   \csname a:ChoiceMenu::\:textarea\endcsname  \leavevmode#2%
   \csname b:ChoiceMenu::\:textarea\endcsname
   \:choices  #3,//{\csname d:ChoiceMenu::\:textarea\endcsname}%
         {\csname e:ChoiceMenu::\:textarea\endcsname}%
   \csname c:ChoiceMenu::\:textarea\endcsname }

  \expandafter\Hy@colorlink\expandafter{\csname @#1color\endcsname}%
  \fi  \global\let\rel:hyper=\:UnDef

\expandafter\ifx\csname ifHy@hyperindex\endcsname\relax
\else \Hy@hyperindexfalse

and this is a result when we compile your document:

enter image description here

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