[Tex/LaTex] Problem with pgfornament and vectorian package


When I compile the file

%%%%%%%%%%% FONTE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIORITURES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\usetikzlibrary {positioning}
\tikzset{pgfornamentstyle/.style={draw=NavyBlue, fill = blue}}

\vspace {-3cm}

\fontfamily{pzc} \selectfont

\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=0pt}]
\node[text width= \linewidth-2cm](Text){%
{\LARGE Intégration et probabilités}  \hfill {\large  ENS Paris, 2012-2013} \\
~ \bigskip \\
 \centerline{\LARGE \normalfont TD 12 -- Convergence de variables aléatoires }
} ;
\node[shift={(-1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north west](CNW)  at (Text.north west)
\node[shift={(1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north east](CNE)   at (Text.north east)
\node[shift={(-1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south west](CSW) at (Text.south west)
\node[shift={(1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south east](CSE)  at (Text.south east)
   \node[shift={(0cm,0cm)}](CS) at (Text.south)


I already compile this file with pdf rendering is better. I suspect that when I install Texmaker after Winedt this problem has appeared.


I have duplicate texmaker and winedt interface.

I have downloaded:

  1. the package pgfornament from this site,
  2. and psvectorian from this site.
    and extract them to the texmf folder in the following path
    C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex.

Best Answer

I began by turning the code into a more minimal example to narrow down the problem.

I then determined that the primary problem was that the francais option to babel conflicts with the use of \pgfornamenthline etc. Based on Gonzalo Medina's advice responding to my comment on his answer here, adding the babel tikz library resolves the problem:

\tikzset{pgfornamentstyle/.style={draw=NavyBlue, fill = blue}}


\fontfamily{pzc} \selectfont

  [every node/.style={inner sep=0pt}]

  \node[text width= \linewidth-1cm, anchor=center](Text){% ~ \centerline{\LARGE \normalfont Université Paris Sud  }

  {\LARGE Département de Mathématiques}  \hfill {\large Première année Master} \\ {\LARGE Module:  Probabilité approfondie}
  \hfill {\large 2013-2014 } ~ \bigskip \\  \centerline{\LARGE \normalfont TD: Chaînes de Markov  } } ;
  \node[shift={(-1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north west](CNW)  at (Text.north west) {\pgfornament[width=1cm]{61}};
  \node[shift={(1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north east](CNE)   at (Text.north east) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=v]{61}};
  \node[shift={(-1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south west](CSW) at  (Text.south west) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=h]{61}};
  \node[shift={(1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south east](CSE)  at (Text.south east) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=c]{61}};    \node[shift={(0cm,0cm)}](CS) at (Text.south) {\pgfornament[width=4.5cm,ydelta=+3cm]{75}};



Fancy title with ornaments in French

As Gonzalo Medina explains, this solution is only available with tikz 3. If you have an older version, you need to turn the relevant shorthand characters off when necessary. For example:

\tikzset{pgfornamentstyle/.style={draw=NavyBlue, fill = blue}}


\fontfamily{pzc} \selectfont
  [every node/.style={inner sep=0pt}]

  \node[text width= \linewidth-1cm, anchor=center](Text){% ~ \centerline{\LARGE \normalfont Université Paris Sud  }

  {\LARGE Département de Mathématiques}  \hfill {\large Première année Master} \\ {\LARGE Module:  Probabilité approfondie}
  \hfill {\large 2013-2014 } ~ \bigskip \\  \centerline{\LARGE \normalfont TD: Chaînes de Markov  } } ;
  \node[shift={(-1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north west](CNW)  at (Text.north west) {\pgfornament[width=1cm]{61}};
  \node[shift={(1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north east](CNE)   at (Text.north east) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=v]{61}};
  \node[shift={(-1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south west](CSW) at  (Text.south west) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=h]{61}};
  \node[shift={(1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south east](CSE)  at (Text.south east) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=c]{61}};    \node[shift={(0cm,0cm)}](CS) at (Text.south) {\pgfornament[width=4.5cm,ydelta=+3cm]{75}};



Alternatively, disable the shorthand globally for all tikz environments:

\tikzset{pgfornamentstyle/.style={draw=NavyBlue, fill = blue},
    every picture/.prefix style={execute at begin picture=\shorthandoff{!}}}

\fontfamily{pzc} \selectfont
  [every node/.style={inner sep=0pt}]

  \node[text width= \linewidth-1cm, anchor=center](Text){% ~ \centerline{\LARGE \normalfont Université Paris Sud  }

  {\LARGE Département de Mathématiques}  \hfill {\large Première année Master} \\ {\LARGE Module:  Probabilité approfondie}
  \hfill {\large 2013-2014 } ~ \bigskip \\  \centerline{\LARGE \normalfont TD: Chaînes de Markov  } } ;
  \node[shift={(-1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north west](CNW)  at (Text.north west) {\pgfornament[width=1cm]{61}};
  \node[shift={(1cm,0.2cm)},anchor=north east](CNE)   at (Text.north east) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=v]{61}};
  \node[shift={(-1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south west](CSW) at  (Text.south west) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=h]{61}};
  \node[shift={(1cm,-0.5cm)},anchor=south east](CSE)  at (Text.south east) {\pgfornament[width=1cm,symmetry=c]{61}};    \node[shift={(0cm,0cm)}](CS) at (Text.south) {\pgfornament[width=4.5cm,ydelta=+3cm]{75}};


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